Owner/Booking: Meg and Ryan Handran
319B Hwy 182 East
Starkville, MS 39759
If you are interested in performing at Rick’s Cafe, here is what you need to know:
Please include the following info in an email.
- Please include the name of your band, website address, social media links, your contact phone number, & email address
- Attach audio & video files or links not included on your website that you would like for us to hear and see
- Give an honest approximation of how many paying customers your band can draw in this market
- Include club & organization references along with contact information
- List of references and past venues you have played along with contact information and attendance
- Desired Compensation (flat rate? door %?)
If You Want To Send a Submission Via Snail Mail:
- Include a bio, pictures, & relevant press clippings
- Hard media must be sent on CD or DVD
- Include club & organization references along with contact information
- Please include your contact phone number, website address, social media links, & email address
- Give an honest approximation of how many paying customers your band can draw in this market
- Mailed submissions will not be returned, submitted material becomes property of Rick’s Cafe
- Desired Compensation (flat rate? door %?)
In either case:
- Please be patient. We receive dozens of submissions every week & space is extremely limited
- We try to respond to every email but sometimes it is not possible
- If we like what we hear & see, AND we have a date available, AND especially if we think you can draw a crowd – we’ll be in touch
It is very important to understand that we usually do not have a built-in crowd.
The large majority of our crowds each night usually depends on the band’s fanbase and how well they draw in THIS MARKET.
Booking Contact Info:
Attn: Meg and Ryan Handran
319B Hwy 182 East
Starkville, MS 39759